In 1946, The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete Physical, Mental ( Brain / Mind ), and Social / Spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Therefore a complete sense of well being involves the journey of nurturing our physical and Mental / Brain health as well as healing for the inner self.
We also believe that Brain / Mental Health involves not only treatment of emotional problems but discovering and developing the strengths, abilities and talents which is inherent in every unique individual.
To make an appointment, kindly call 03-3884 8782 or 017-708 9112 ( call or whatsapp ).
世界卫生组织(WHO)在1946年将健康定义为” 健康不仅为疾病或虚弱之消除,而是体格,精神与社会之完全健康状态。 因此,整体的健康就包括身体上的健康,心理健康和心灵上的健康。
我们还认为,全面的精神健康不仅包括治疗情绪问题,而且包括发现和发展每一个人所拥有的优点, 能力和才能。
如果需预约,请致电或whatsapp 03-38848782 或 017-7089112。
Clinic information : DR WONG SPECIALIST CLINIC ( PSYCHIATRY ) SDN.BHD. ( 201901044417)(1353747-D)