Archive for September, 2012

Love is patient

Patience : Key to Mental Health I recently read a small booklet talking about “Patience”. And I realized that being patient is so important for our Physical, Mental , Social and Spiritual wellbeing. Losing patience on the road may lead to grave consequences. It may cost us our lives or the lives of others. The […]


Growing Gracefully

Dear Friends, I was in the midst of preparing a sharing on ” Aging Gracefully ” and i came across the ABC of growing old gracefully. I wish to acknowledge the author but i was unable to identify the source. “You don’t stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing” […]


WHO Mental Health report on Depression

  According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Report, Depressive illness is going to rise from 4th to 2nd ranking in terms of disease severity and burden in 2020. This means that Depression will be the second most severe disease after heart disease.  



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