Here’s a short 3 mins excellent video clip on communication skills for relationships. Nicky and Sila help hundreds of couples for many years through Alpha Parenting Course which is a global movement to help marriages.
Here’s a short 3 mins excellent video clip on communication skills for relationships. Nicky and Sila help hundreds of couples for many years through Alpha Parenting Course which is a global movement to help marriages.
Communication series We need to avoid jumping to conclusion or make any assumption when someone says or do something. Be patient, take a deep breath and gently ask questions and seek clarification. Here is a simple video for illustration.
Communication series 3.1 My recent posting was on communication between parents and child/teenager during moments of anger and frustrations. Click HERE for the link. And here is the link for PARENTING FORUM BY FOCUS ON THE FAMILY MALAYSIA. The following tip of communication is by the late leadership guru Stephen Covey, who wrote the book […]
All Relationships and Effective Communication is build with the basic building block ( like little lego blocks ) of Spending Time. A relationship expert once said that children spell LOVE as T.I.M.E. I believe the same applies to relationships such as marriage, parent-child and friendships. Let me share a simple yet profound and meaningful song […]
How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure Julian Treasure shared 4 principles of good speaking habits in an acronym H.A.I.L. HAIL means to greet someone enthusiastically. H for Honesty. A for Authenticity : This means being our true self. I for Integrity : This means to do what we say […]