Clinic location in Klang
Clinics locations.
If you are experiencing emotional problems or know someone who may be having a mental disorder, come visit us at…
We are open the following hours to help you and family members
1. Dr. Wong Specialist Clinic ( Psychiatry ) in KLANG
Tel : 03-3884 8782 and 017-708 9112 ( Whatsapp only )
Consultation hours : ( By Appointment only )
Dr. Vincent Wong
Tuesday to Friday : 9am – 4pm
Saturday : 9am to 1pm
Closed on Sunday, Monday and Compulsory Public Holidays such as National day, Malaysia day, etc.
Dr Vincent Wong does NOT work in Brain Mind Specialist Clinic ( Petaling Jaya ) or Neuropsy Clinic ( Kuala Lumpur ) or Tung Shin Hospital anymore.
Dr. Vincent Wong is now fully at Dr. Wong Specialist Clinic ( Psychiatry ), Klang.
This is a mental health clinic based in Klang that provides information and treatment for those who seeks:
- To improve their emotional well being
- treatment for emotional problems or mental disorders
- medical treatment as well as psychological treatment for emotional problems
Mental disorder is treatable. Anyone suffering from mental illness can get well and resume a normal life.
How can we help you or your love ones?
We provide consultation and counseling services for the following:
- a) Anxiety;
- b) Depression;
- c) Old Age Mental Health issues;
- e.g. Dementia and Depression
- d) Bipolar mood disorder;
- e) Schizophrenia / Psychosis;
- f) Addiction treatment and counselling;
- g) Child and Adolescent mental health issues;
P.S We are listed with the Malaysia Psychiatric Association
No Siri Kelulusan ( KKLIU ) : 0947/2012/I