Fond memories

The late actor Robin Williams has a very special place in my heart. It was a role which he has acted  in a movie called “ Patch Adams” in 1998.

In that movie, which was based on a real life story, he took on the role of a medical student who was passionate about being a doctor. He believed that doctors should focus more on treating the person besides treating the disease.  In other words, the focus of patient care is the process of understanding the patient as a whole and how he or she has been affected by the illness ; in all aspects of a personhood, be it physical, psychological (intellectual and emotional), social and spiritual.

My heart was filled with sadness when I heard of Mr. Robin Williams death. The world has lost a truly talented and gifted soul.

Let us mourn and grief over our loss.

And let us cherish the fond memories that remains in our heart.


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