Posts Tagged suicide

Elyn Saks (The Fight against Stigma of Mental Disorder)

Elyn Saks ( The Fight against Stigma of Mental Disorder ) Ted Talk by Elyn Saks, Professor of Law from USA. She is sharing about her struggles and victories in her journey as someone who has mental disorder called Schizophrenia.   People who suffer from mental disorder deserve respect and dignity. Let us continue the […]


Rules for pleasure

Rules for pleasure Let’s assume that I need to put up a few nights in a hotel within a city, away from my home, to attend a conference. I may wish to explore the city and have a little drink. I may even feel tempted to visit the red-light district with a few friends. During […]


Talk on Depression and Suicide in Penang, Malaysia

I will be giving a talk on “ Understanding Depressive illness and Suicide “ in Penang, Malaysia.   One of the guest speaker will be Mdm Irene Tan who has written a book entitled “ My Battle with Depression”.   Click here for the talk    


Emotional garden

Our hearts and emotional well being is like a garden. We need to nurture and care for our  “emotional garden”. It is important to spend time watering our garden, allowing appropriate sunshine, pruning the unhealthy branches and adding fertilizers to it.  We also need to pull the weeds and remove the pests that may harm […]


Bullying and its psychiatric implications

Bullying and its psychiatric implications Researchers have consistently showed that the victims of bullying suffers long term psychiatric problems such as anxiety, panic attack, Post traummatic stress disorder, Depressive illness, low self confidence and suicidal behaviour. I have seen a 10 year old patient who is so traummatized by physical and emotional bullying in school that he […]



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