Posts Tagged irritable

Elyn Saks (The Fight against Stigma of Mental Disorder)

Elyn Saks ( The Fight against Stigma of Mental Disorder ) Ted Talk by Elyn Saks, Professor of Law from USA. She is sharing about her struggles and victories in her journey as someone who has mental disorder called Schizophrenia.   People who suffer from mental disorder deserve respect and dignity. Let us continue the […]


Depression (忧郁症) in Malaysia ( Klang Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur )

Depression(忧郁症) : symptoms and treatment Depression is a common illness. It is more common than hypertension or diabetes. The lifetime occurrence of depression in any country is between 8% to 10%. Contrary to common belief it is not an illness of developed countries alone. It occurs in developing countries like ours just as commonly as […]



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