Multitasking : Is it good or bad?

First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Daniel Chandranayagam ( columnist for the star paper , Malaysia )   for bringing up the important topic of multitasking.

From my personal experiences, multitasking was certainly more stressful and strenuous to my brain. I often felt a kind of “fuzziness” in my brain after a period of multitasking. I believed that the following article will enlightened us that indeed “Less is more”

Based on a several research findings, including one from Stanford University, Daniel Chandranayagam has reaffirmed the fact that multitasking may sometimes cause more harm than good.

Here is a news article on the research.

The Stanford research showed:

In                                                                         the multitaskers are

ability to ignore irrelevant information much                      worse

ability to organize information                                            worse

memory                                                                               equal

ability to switch tasks rapidly                                             worse

ability to focus on a task                                                   worse

Click here for a summary of the Stanford research

Click here for the article by Daniel

Less is more.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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