How now shall we live?

How now shall we live?

Many years ago, I came across this book entitled “ How now shall we live ?” – certainly a very catchy title. I bought the book and it has become part of my “collection”.


Interestingly, this question flashes in my consciousness every now and then.


Today, even as I was driving to work on a dark, cold, quiet morning at 6am, it flashes again in my mind.


And one word hit home. Love.


Love is the reason for me to go on each day. My love for my beloved spouse and children. My love for my family and friends.

But in order to extend our love to others, we must first experienced and feel loved.


Not ordinary love but unconditional love. Someone who love us, accepts us, no matter what we have done. Someone who comfort us “ My beloved, it’s okay” . Someone whom we can trust because he/she always keep his/her promises. Someone who truly cares, and touches us so deeply – so that our hurts, inner wounds and emotional pain could begin its healing process. And we could once again experience love, joy and hope in our heart.



Love is patient, love is kind
Love does not worry, Love does not boast
It is not proud, it is not rude
It is not easily angered
Love keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil
Love, will always protects
Always trust, always hopes,
And it will persevere,
Love rejoices in truth

Love never fail


(Source : 1 Corinthians 13)


“ It is not how much we do but how much love we put in the doing . It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving “
Mother Teresa

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